Spotlight Awards 

GMP1® Graduate Excellence Award

This award recognises a Global Mobility Professional (GMP1)® graduate who has demonstrated exceptional performance and scholastic achievement throughout the GMP1®  certification course. The GMP1®  graduate will have demonstrated a strong understanding of the foundations in key mobility disciplinary areas learnt throughout the program, as well as demonstrated positive learning behaviours and the ability to apply key learnings to real time situations.

This Award recognises both

  • Exceptional individual academic achievement in relation to key learning areas delivered within the GMP1®  program, and
  • Exceptional individual performance in relation to the ability to apply key learnings, consistently demonstrate positive and productive learning behaviours and a disposition vital for ongoing success in their global mobility professional career. 

To qualify for this award, individuals must have successfully completed the GMP1 Certification Program over the past 12 months.

Individual nominations for this award are not required.

Applications Now Closed